NON-VERBAL communication is communication that takes place silently without vocal sounds and can be in the form of body language, gestures, symbols and sound. When the speaker's attitude language matches the content of his words, the listener knows immediately that the speaker is honest and sincere in what he says. Communication can sometimes take place by means of objects like an interview room, the certificates on the wall, the size of desk behind the type of carpet, the person's clothing and the mobile handset one possesses. The object around a person show his status, how successful he is, and what respect he should be given. Language is a vehicle through which the message can be disseminated to the intended audiences. Language can be connative; that is influential, functional, persuasive, abusive, melodious, delicate and perhaps powerful especially if nicely packaged using the rhetoric devices like assonance, litotes, onomatopoeia, rhyme, rhythm and so forth. The implicat...